CodeCooperation's Co-Founders' Story

CodeCooperation is the result of both Taieb and Mutas' past experiences, failures, and dreams. Together, they launched CodeCooperation, a Digital Innovation Lab that builds digital products with an agile Startup Mindset. Until Today, CodeCooperation realized and released dozens of digital products for Startups, Scaleups, and SMEs.

In order to unravel the mystery, we should go back in time—32 years ago, to be exact.

When he was 6 years old, Mutas Bazari, currently the CEO of CC, had his first ever experience as an entrepreneur: He convinced his mother to invest in him and buy him a Tombola filled with balloons. After taking some balloons himself, Mutas went around the neighborhood and sold the rest of the balloons to his friends for a higher unit price." That day, I got introduced to the entrepreneurial world; I pitched my idea and convinced my first investor (mother). After my first round of sales, I collected the profit and was able to pay my mother her money back. Since that day, I've known what I want to do: GET MORE BALLOONS."

The idea of CodeCooperation came to Mutas’s mind: a digital innovation lab that designs MVPs, sets budget expectations, develops, launches quickly, and iterates with users’ feedback. By also becoming co-founders of our clients' startups, CC avoids conflicts of interest and takes close technical ownership of the projects.

He then suggested the idea to Taieb, a former project partner.

On the other side, Taieb Bendai, a 5-year-old boy, was so impressed with his engineer father that he began assembling computer parts himself. As he grew older, his passion for IT grew with him; at 14 years old, he started a small business burning CDs and selling movies."I have always known that I wanted to be self-employed and have my own company. But the idea, at first, was mainly about outsourcing."

Very soon after, Mutas came to the rescue with a brilliant idea: mix his business side with Taieb’s IT nerdiness, and together they would create an exceptional Digital Innovation Lab dedicated to Startups.

The happy ending:

CodeCooperation is the result of both Taieb and Mutas' past experiences, failures, and dreams.

Together, they launched CodeCooperation, a Digital Innovation Lab that builds digital products with an agile Startup Mindset. Until Today, CodeCooperation realized and released dozens of digital products for Startups, Scaleups, and SMEs.

Today, CodeCooperation has offices in both Berlin and Tunis, with over 50 entrepreneurial engineers from various nationalities and backgrounds collaborating to make digital dreams happen.

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